Welcome to the official inaugural post of Yopp, the social justice blog dedicated to reducing oppression and spreading awareness about civil rights topics.
Yopp! gets its name from Dr. Seuss’s Horton Hears a Who! “Yopp!” is the sound the tiniest Who makes in order to elevate the noise level above the threshold so that the Kangaroos can hear them, and finally believe that they are people.
In the current political climate, it’s particularly important for everyone to contribute what they can to keep the noise level high enough, to demand protection of our civil rights and the civil rights of others. This blog is my contribution.
The purpose of this blog is to talk about the terminology, issues, and experiences necessary to understand social justice and contribute to it. Rather than address each individual news story and break down the problems present in each one, I’ll be writing about overarching patterns, basic definitions, and necessary tools that will help you understand the implications of current events on your own. I’ll also be writing personal anecdotes from my life story, and in the future, from others, which highlight the individual effects of oppression and give you a glimpse of the human involved, rather than just clumps of statistics. This blog will primarily focus on the way oppression plays out in the U.S., which is not to undermine the weight of these issues in other countries, but it reflects the focus of my knowledge on the subject.
Initially, I hope to update this blog 1-2 times a week, with plans to update on a more regular schedule and with more frequency in the future. If you’d like to support my work, please consider checking out my patreon!
And if you’re brand new to Yopp and not sure where to start, check out the Basics of Yopp page for some recommended reading material!

About the writer: Kella Hanna-Wayne is the creator, editor, and main writer for Yopp. She specializes in educational writing about civil rights, disability, chronic illness, abuse, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her work has been published in Ms. Magazine blog, The BeZine, and Splain You a Thing and in 2022, she released a self-published book of poetry, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery“. You can find her @KellaHannaWayne on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Medium, and Twitter.