Complexion for the Protection: White Privilege– Real World Edition

For today’s post, it was extraordinarily difficult to find photos representing white privilege: the phenomena of white people receiving umerited protections from external consequences, which is the topic of Denny Upkins’ second installment of Complexion for the Protection. Only this time, real-world public figures are in the spotlight.

10 Harmful Beliefs About Dissociative Identity Disorder

One of the reasons we wanted to start writing about Dissociative Identity Disorder after we received our diagnosis is the massive amount of misinformation out there. Having this diagnosis is highly stigmatized and many doctors and even mental health professionals still perpetuate these harmful beliefs about dissociative identity disorder. 

We Hold These Truths of the Black Experience To Be Self Evident

White Supremacy is so insidious that even if you’ve spent years working to eliminate anti-black beliefs from your subconscious, there will always be more hiding under the false pretense of reason and logic. Denny Upkins is here to keep us on our toes, make sure we check our biases at the door, and to direct us toward the beliefs we should actively be trying to incorporate into our understanding of the black experience, instead.

The Complexion For The Protection: White Privilege in Media

As always, the beauty of guest posts on this blog is that they enable Yopp to include subjects and types of content that I could never hope to create myself. In order to shift the societal scrutiny off of people of color and onto white people for once, Dennis does what he does best: Biting critiques about the ways media represents and encourages our society’s racial disparities, as well as educating us on the often …Read More

Article on Medium: When the Heck are Women Going to Get a Shot at the Presidency

On Thursday, I received the news that Elizabeth Warren was ending her campaign for president. I had intended to write an article about why Warren had my vote, but I never got to write it and I never got to vote for her. I had a lot of grief and anger around the circumstances of her campaign ending. So I wrote an article on Medium about that instead.

Redefining Disability: An Identity of Adaptation and Creativity

Ever since I joined the disabled community, I’ve been fascinated by the divide in perception of the concept of “disability” between people who are disabled, and people who are not. I wanted to distill this shift in perspective and make progress in redefining disability for a larger number of non-disabled people.