Complexion for the Protection: White Privilege– Real World Edition

For today’s post, it was extraordinarily difficult to find photos representing white privilege: the phenomena of white people receiving umerited protections from external consequences, which is the topic of Denny Upkins’ second installment of Complexion for the Protection. Only this time, real-world public figures are in the spotlight.

Accessibility, Social Justice, and Self Growth: How to be an Accessible Person

When I joined the disability activism community, I learned a new frame of reference that changed how I engaged with the world at large: Accessibility. I had no idea that this concept would expand for me from a branch of activism to a life philosophy and identity: How to be an accessible person.  

How to Celebrate Disability Pride Month

It’s July, which means it’s the month the disabled community has chosen to celebrate disability pride month! Celebrating pride is all about increasing visibility, awareness, and care for a marginalized community. If you are looking for a way to do that this July, read on!

Every Single Social Media Link for Lizzo’s Featured Activists in One Place

My first thought after I finished watching Lizzo’s People’s Champion Award speech was “I need to follow all these people on social media.” And my next thought was, “Other people should too.”

Choosing Violence: On Allyship and the Legacy of John Brown

Something that hasn’t been explored a lot on this blog is historical figures in the social justice world. There is a lot to be learned in the accomplishments of activists of the past, as well as in the present day reactions to these activists’ legacy. Denny Upkins is back with a look at the historical figure John Brown and the importance of facing oppression head-on, without compromise.  CN: Detailed discussion of racial violence and discrimination, …Read More

Why Understanding Abuse & Trauma is Necessary for Social Justice Work

The focus of Yopp has always been to discuss all things related to social justice and civil rights. But another important topic that emerged fairly early on was issues related to abuse and trauma. Without much thought, we started writing a number of articles specifically about the experience of being abused, the aftermath, what recovery looks like, etc. We never really considered that the connection between abuse and trauma, and social justice may not be obvious to everyone. It occurred to us that it might be valuable to spell out these connections in article form.