Complexion for the Protection: White Privilege– Real World Edition

For today’s post, it was extraordinarily difficult to find photos representing white privilege: the phenomena of white people receiving umerited protections from external consequences, which is the topic of Denny Upkins’ second installment of Complexion for the Protection. Only this time, real-world public figures are in the spotlight.

The Unique Power of Digital Organizing

Because of the limitations of my chronic illness, I am so grateful that the genre of digital organizing enables remote forms of activism through mediums like text messages, social media, and email campaigns. Ingrid Cruz is here to break down this collection of strategies for us.

You Are Not Alone: How to Respond to Escalating Fascism

If your social circles are progressive in the same way mine are, then you’ve heard warnings about the continuing escalating of fascism in the US, and the threat of violent backlash if Trump loses the presidential election. This post gives you some ideas of what to do about it.

What Bolivia Can Teach Us About Confronting Systemic Violence

Guest writer Marie-Ève Monette does an excellent job connecting the recent protests in the US to movements in Bolivia that have fought against colonialism and gender-based violence, as well as looking at the question of when we should use which tools in activism.

Article on Medium: When the Heck are Women Going to Get a Shot at the Presidency

On Thursday, I received the news that Elizabeth Warren was ending her campaign for president. I had intended to write an article about why Warren had my vote, but I never got to write it and I never got to vote for her. I had a lot of grief and anger around the circumstances of her campaign ending. So I wrote an article on Medium about that instead.