Today I’m happy to release to you a brand new original merch design with several color variations!
Regardless of whether you rely on one of these pups to keep you safe and healthy, every day of your life, or if you’ve only ever watched them from afar, wishing desperately that you could pet them but knowing they are busy working so you shouldn’t; everyone knows that service doggos are the best doggos.
Having this phrase on a T-shirt was my first ideas for merch for Yopp and I’m so glad I finally got to bring it to fruition. You can now buy all of these designs on T-shirts, stickers, pillow covers, mugs, laptop covers, tote bags and more!
Note: These products are no longer available. The design has been moved over to my Etsy store.
I released three different color schemes, including one with a different colored dog. If I get a lot of response to these, I may draw other breeds to allow for more customization.
New Upcoming Website
My last announcement for the day is that Yopp is about to move to a totally new website! It has been my hope to switch to a different platform for several years, especially because our current one is not screen-reader compatible and that’s a big problem for a disability focused blog.
Well, it’s finally happening, which means things will look a little different around here shortly. I don’t have an exact release date but look for our new look, screen reader compatibility and faster load times around December 1st!

About the writer: Kella Hanna-Wayne is the creator, editor, and main writer for Yopp. She specializes in educational writing about civil rights, disability, chronic illness, abuse, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her work has been published in Ms. Magazine blog, The BeZine, and Splain You a Thing and in 2022, she released a self-published book of poetry, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery“. You can find her @KellaHannaWayne on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Medium, and Twitter.