Everything You Need to Know About Boundaries

Boundaries are magic.  They are protective and allow us to navigate our life as empowered and autonomous individuals.  Most of us come to learn our boundaries through trial and error, and may not get good support around forming or establishing boundaries in relationships.  As we approach a season of gatherings, including those with family we don’t have good relationships with, taking intentional time to reflect on who we’re connected to and how we want those connections to look can be valuable.

A Men’s Guide to the Me Too Movement

I’ve noticed some men seem a little lost as news of the Me Too movement pours in. Why are so many celebrities getting outed as perpetrators of sexual assault and was what they did really that bad? What behavior is expected of men going forward? Why is what happened with Ansari such a big deal? Isn’t this all going a little too far? This article is for you.