Uplifting Black Voices: An Interview With Mugabi Byenkya

You might remember Mugabi Byenkya from the guest post he wrote for Yopp back in 2022. He and and Denny Upkins, our resident interviewer extraordinaire, hatched a plan to add an Interview with Mugabi Byenkya to to Denny’s ongoing series, Uplifting Black Voices.

Poetry & Trauma: It Is Hard to Write with a Broken Heart

This week my debut poetry book, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery” comes out. The poetry sequence takes you through my experiences in an abusive relationship, my attempts to heal, my retrospective reflections on the relationship, and the larger-scale insights that came with long-term healing. To introduce it, I wanted to share with you this piece about what it took to write that book in the first place.